Sunday, September 28, 2008

Taro Pancakes

So my husband Robert has had a taste for coconut syrup, which we can't get around here. So he ordered a jug of coconut syrup and some taro pancake mix from this hawaiin website. Well we finally got it, and today was the perfect day for trying out taro pancakes. They were purple, which was a bonus for Gabrielle, who's 3 and hates trying new foods. . . but her favorite color's purple. So how could she resist. And when we topped it off with some coconut syrup, she really couldn't resist! They were very tasty. Leila, who's 1 and has to avoid coconut because of her food allergies, had her pancakes with blueberry syrup. . . and she still devoured 3 of them! We may have to order more mix!

On another note, Leila finally figured out how to ride her tricycle! I say finally, but she's still young really. I'm just glad that I don't have to listen to her complain about how she wants to keep up with her big sister who's zooming by on her bike. She was so happy today riding her bike down the street. . . she almost ran into a parked car, but that's another story. Another step closer to freedom for her, another little bit of heartbreak for me. Every mommy hates to see her baby grow up.

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